hey all.

just a quick thank you for visiting and please dont be afraid to leave comments or tips on growing veg as we could be doing with all the help we can get.....happy planting fokes!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Making the beds.

 So far i've completed four of my six planned raised beds,for the timber i used treated 6x1 1/2 screwed together and it worked out at £1.24 a meter from a local  hardware store.
The beds were made to the size of 3 foot wide by 8 foot long,with a 2  foot  space between each one for working around,making the beds
any longer or wider  would have become to much of a reach for planting and weeding.Getting  the beds level and in line was a bigger job than i thought as there was a slight run of on the land but well worth the effort as they are really starting to look the part even with  next to nothing planted in them yet.
After my final two beds are made and in place my next job is to work out and build some sort of net
frame that be easily lifted on and off the bed when i
am working on and around the them.

1 comment:

  1. All seems to be happening very quickly on the vegetable front...plot looks the part...
