hey all.

just a quick thank you for visiting and please dont be afraid to leave comments or tips on growing veg as we could be doing with all the help we can get.....happy planting fokes!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

latest addition to the allotment.

With the excellent spring weather  the honey bee has had a great start to the year, and with it all this means that they have been showing signs of and swarming earlier this year than most,so after doing an artifical swarm to one of my hives i moved this small nucleus of bees over to  the the allotment, with all the strawberries beans and fruit trees to pollinate they'll be a welcome sight and really are a pleasure to watch while they are going about there daily business.


The growing season has really started to kick in and  its all go at the minute with trying to get everything sowed and planted out,i planted these honeydew sweetcorn seeds  three weeks ago under cover and hope to plant them outside around the end of this month,i have never tried to grow sweetcorn before but have the ground all well prepared and sitting ready for them ,i bought the seeds from Marshalls seeds website and out of all the sweetcorn they were selling these had by far the best reviews from people who had grown them in the past,that good i might add that they are now all sold out now.