hey all.

just a quick thank you for visiting and please dont be afraid to leave comments or tips on growing veg as we could be doing with all the help we can get.....happy planting fokes!

Saturday 16 April 2011

The deep beds in the foreground are for my carrots and parsnips,the others being used for runner beans,beetroot,rhubarb,onion sets and asparagus.
These are the nursery frames i ve made for bringing on some plants for mid spring planting.In the top on ,i am bringing on ,Lettuce,Spring onions and an early crop of nantes carrots.

In the second frame , i am bringing on Bedfordshire champion onions, Celeriac, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli,Leeks , Courgettes and a few Squash. Its turned out to be a great addition to the allotment,as i've been eating fresh lettuce since late march. The white around some of the seedlings is,lime,its good for the brassicas.
These are my Gladiator Parsnips, planted in a mixture of ,unwashed sand ,quarry dust and compost.The bed is approximately 14 inches deep, so hopefully come the winter,i will be rewarded with great parsnips.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

carrot fly protection.

After growing carrots last year and losing almost all of them to the dreaded carrot fly i  decided to build some net covered frames that can be lifted easily  on and off my beds when i am working around them,for the frames i used 1 1/2 by 1 1/2 inch wood and straight lengths of hazel which  i bent for the middle supports,i then placed enviromesh over the frame,which was then all held in place by 1 1/2 by 1/2 half inch wood,screwed down on top of the net which was sitting on top of the 1 1/2 by 1 1/2 inch wood, with the frame all made up and in place i then secured it down  by the use of a bungee cords at each end hooked onto screws into the bed itself.On the outside of the netting i placed two more bent hazels lenghts as handles for lifting on and off. They also serve as a roll bar to stop the netting getting damaged when the frame is lifted off the bed and sitting on the ground.