hey all.

just a quick thank you for visiting and please dont be afraid to leave comments or tips on growing veg as we could be doing with all the help we can get.....happy planting fokes!

Sunday 16 October 2011

This is the raised bed where some of my carrots were grown, I m now using the bed to store some of my kerrs pinks. These potatoes will be used long after my other potatoes ,which are stored in a root cellar in hessian sacks.This method of storing potatoes is called ,a pit ,or a bing. The straw is used as an insulator,and also to allow air into and out of the bing.Come next April ,i ll be digging these up, hopefully they ll take me through to the first earlies.

Some of the onions and carrots all ready for winter storage.

Saturday 8 October 2011

To day i lifted my Kerr's Pinks, Arran Victories and Golden Wonders before winter , using begins.One thing i won t be doing next year ,is ,to use horse manure. The horse manure has brought a lot of weeds onto the ground and also a lot of snails. Next move is the airing and drying the potatoes for their winter storage.Out of approx 200 seed potatoes ,i manage to have 7 barrow fulls of keepers and 2 of rot and snail damage. I still have to lift my Sarpo Mira potatoes.

Sunday 14 August 2011

A brussel sprout plant in all its glory, probably too early in the season, but we re eating them now ,and they re lovely.The courgette flower is one of,if not the nicest flowers in the allotment..My broad beans are all finished now, so its into the freezer, and in with some young brussel sprout plants in their place.

Monday 1 August 2011

This is garlic Germidour, a present from the 9 inch dibber.Cooked it up with roasted aubergine, peppers,feta,anchovies and parsley, thank you...

Saturday 30 July 2011

Fresh from the garden on a Saturday evening,a great accompaniment to roast shoulder of lamb........

soup dragon

Darren as proud as punch with his collection of soup veg.